4 Things I’m Doing to Heal My Inner Child :)

Callie Cassan
5 min readMar 4, 2022

The weird part about adulthood is you realize people stop having hobbies. I know so many people who just “don’t have time” to do things they enjoy. I was one of those people for a while. It really makes you lose your sense of self. As a kid, we had so many interests, read so many books, did crafts, played sports, took lessons… why do we limit this to our childhood?

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” - Henry Ford.

I truly believe that. I started doing things “for fun” again, and I feel so alive.

1.) I’m learning Spanish (again)

I took Spanish in high school, did a retreat for my class to Peru, then didn't speak it for several years. So, I caved in and got the threatening-owl app again. Duolingo (not sponsored, but if they ever see this, haayyyyyy) is taking over my life. I deleted all my social media platforms a few months ago as a way to limit my outlets of procrastination, and Duolingo single-handedly took their place. I have gotten super competitive and the app’s funny reminders and “League”-based leaderboards make you want to practice your new language every day. My boyfriend has called me out for “sneaky-duolingoing” while were hanging out because I don't want to drop down a league. Just wait until I'm a Bi-Lingual Baddie!

What It Says Vs. How It Feels

2.) I’m Practicing Gymnastics (again)

My gymnastics story is one for another day, but I was a competitive gymnast for 14 years and I now coach Competitive USAG. After I retired, I didn't step foot in a gym for years. I had torn my ACL at the end of my career and the come-back attempt was brutal and heartbreaking. It made me hate the sport because my body couldn't do the things I wanted it to anymore. But now, a couple of years later, I’ve healed my relationship with food and got into weight lifting and fitness (outside of gymnastics), and I’m in the best shape of my life. So, I started throwing stuff again. I ordered a new pair of grips. I swung giants. It felt really good to be reminded of the time and energy I dedicated to the sport. And that my muscle memory still had my back ;)

“…because most kids would rather have a life than spend six hours a day training tricks that could kill you. Look, don’t be fooled by the leotards, people. The things gymnasts do make Navy SEALs look like wusses. And we do them *without* a gun!” -Haley Grahm, Stick It.

me 6 years after retirement still being super f*cking sick

3.) I’m Learning to Sing

When I was a little kid, I used to sing in front of everybody. I was a ham and a performer from day one. Did I have any musical talent? Absolutely not. Did I have fun doing it? 100%. I remember watching Britney Spears music videos in my living room and singing and dancing along with her. I also remember hiding in my basement to record myself singing Ashlee Simpson to post on yahoo answers “am I a good singer?”. This is hilarious to think about and look back at now, but it’s also kind of cute. It was something I really loved to do and wanted to be good at, so why don't I learn. There’s plenty of vocal teachers who believe anybody can learn to sing if they have the passion and patience for it. I recently contacted a School Of Rock near me and enrolled for the upcoming summer. In the meantime, I’ve resorted back to the inner child. Singing covers in my kitchen and posting them on the learn-to-sing Reddit. Come to find out, the people on there are super kind and helpful, and anybody who loves music but thinks they can't sing should re-consider.

4.) I Started a Blog!

I started writing, here on medium. Growing up, I loved to write. I took poetry classes, was in creative writing clubs, spent several mornings before school at open-mics, it was a huge creative outlet for me. At some point in high school, I became a bit more self-conscious about the way I talked and how people interpreted me. Writing was easy. I didn't have to think about my tone of voice sounding “cringe” or if my voice would crack or if I was at an appropriate volume (anxiety, lmao), I could just write. I could say sad things about my parents and sappy things about my boyfriend. I used to get in trouble and lose my phone a lot, so I would often write my friends letters to keep them updated on my life when we couldn't text to keep in touch (we didn't go to the same schools, and you don't have time to socialize in upper-level gymnastics practices). I think that definitely fueled my love for speaking into the abyss of nothingness that is the internet. I can just write whatever and you can feel however you want about it. It’s all up for interpretation. It’s been fun and freeing, and I know 13-year-old me would think I am so cool.

Thanks so much for reading, I hope this was able to re-spark an interest of yours that may have gotten lost along the way and needed re-discovering. If you like hearing about my ventures into young adulthood and re-finding myself be sure to follow me here on medium. :)

